Fundada em Blumenau (SC), somos um campo repleto de flores desabrochando para o conhecimento e a auto expressão.
Aspiramos a redefinir o cenário do ensino e aprendizado de inglês para crianças, adolescentes, adultos, professores e todos os profissionais envolvidos nessa área, promovendo um ambiente onde o aprendizado não se trata apenas da aquisição de línguas, mas também de desenvolvimentopessoal.
Acreditamos na integração perfeita da aquisição de línguas aliada ao crescimento pessoal, nutrindo ambos os aspectos simultaneamente.
O que fazemos

Consultoria e Formação Pedagógica Bilíngue
Apoiamos e fortalecemos a comunidade educacional brasileira capacitando nossas instituições e professores a crescerem profissionalmente, comprometidos em inspirar e motivar os educadores do futuro.

What do I believe in?
Team Work and Empathy
Being able to connect to other people and build a community of professionals who are both prepared and motivated is my objective.
Passion and Dedication
It’s been 28 years that I’ve started being called a “teacher”. I love my job, but at the same time I do feel the huge responsibility that this role entails.
Creativity and Ideas
I want to share a different concept of teaching where learning is fostered by creativity, where attention to the individual is put in first place.
Professional Commitment
Each of us has to play their role and each one of us must carry our share of responsibility and transmit our knowledge to improve the world around us.
My Mission
The equation “teacher + student + blackboard + chalk” is outdated and as educators we must be the first to deliver our best if we want our students to make progress.
My objectives are very simple but ambitious:
Shape the future of language teaching
Share my knowledge and my experience with teachers worldwide through online courses, webinars, live broadcasts, seminars and talks.
Build a community of dedicated and brave professionals who are not afraid of stepping out of their comfort zone, raise the bar and think out-of-the-box
Improve the organization of schools and institutions to reach excellence in the teaching of a foreign language
Share the love for my work